Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Much Are Mcm Handbags

18 & Childhood happiness ..

Today at SFO had a fantastic æ good day, after two days where æ did not work very well. Today was also concluded in an amazing way, we saw the movie. And not Kordan any film, we saw Captain & Gory Gabriel Tax. Æ sat back and sang with all sangan, ungan SAE turned and looked strangely at Mae. But hello, the email the fantastic! Æ love it when little va æ, æ va soo in love with Pinky. The email that is here to talk about the good old theater from the zoo in Kristiansand, not that stupid, new cartoon-greian like them have made. Æ miss being that age * sigh *

18 - A photo of your house / apartment.

Okay, that's not our apartment. But for one thing, æ no pictures here, and secondly, we will soon move. Såeh, then adds æ out that here the image of an awesome apartment!


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