Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pinky's, Brampton, On

07 - A photo of yourself, not taken by you.

Yesterday we went to leave us at 8 on mårran, good idea! BUT, æ managed against all odds to get up at 14.00: D Æ took a long and good shower with a full scrubbing and subsequent treatment lotion. Æ like lotion, s actually a bit addicted. If two such jars as æ purchased information on Perfumery, ka do not remember them is called, but it s best. My favorites, and the only such æ've tried, email it with Aloe Vera and Olive it. Æ love skin care products with Aloe Vera and Olive!

After the shower, then trudge to the mailbox æ. There, æ mae a big and pleasant surprise, The S tore Rabbit book come va! Have browsed through it and it s awesome! Have read half the book thoroughly and skim read the rest. Should probably read the rest carefully today. Amazingly a lot of good in the book, which deals with the "new" rabbit farming, thus free-range rabbits. It says a lot about health, feeding, etc. plus there s lots of cool pictures of rabbits that we know about, from

So for all rabbit happy people out there; Sat , p and buy!

Yesterday æ way to mae that æ sku drive to fix the images. So she has got the cut a lot of them so it becomes finer. One is soon inspired when you have a budding photographer boyfriend;) has incidentally also vacuumed here, it gets a lot of debris and stuff with two rabbits in the house! Speaking of sun, here FYK them around like no nonsense. Haha, those e cute \u0026lt;3

What? We did nothing.

And while e inside the animal, yesterday made æ new posters for the Protection of Animals. Have a poster that e made in Adobe InDesign (oh, now felt æ mae fancy) also has an e æ created in Word. For the manager of Animal Finnmark had trouble opening the first, so she tracked simply if she could make one in Word. Was quite nice, actually. But if Seff not sent them to her, for she has got lost mail address her. Got a virus on the mail yesterday, then managed to delete all æ kontaktan my * good *

Here's today's photo, a photo of Mae not e taken by Mae:

Here's the sløvings after æ totally nail'a oral first year!


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