Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lenght And Width Of Sunfish


So the other day æ discovered that it was something wrong with the eye of Jester. It was quite igjenklistra of pus and irritated. So I cleansed it and examined it. Found nothing blatantly wrong with it but Naat va wrong. It va here in the middle of the night, so I had to look it possible for the next day. Da va been much better, sanded va gone but it was still terribly upset and then discovered æ a gray / blue patch on eye male. Today we went to the vet to check him, taking with Birk as a supporter. Showing SAE that he has two small wounds innpå eye, so now he will receive antibiotic drops in the eye for 14 days, so we hope it will better. So now your mother £ 700 poorer, but very relieved:)

patient himself takes it all with devastating calm, he has in fact been papaya tablets! And when we va vet, so he pushed out all the hay from the travel cage and down on the examination table. * Giggle * He's so funny! Vet va very intrigued by Birk, she thought he looked like a lama: P But she thought he va fight sex and a real heartbreaker. And it s true, the email them both!

Imårra start æ HOME to Vadsø: D Oh, gledings. Or, æ start if the weather permits. So today must æ clean the car and stuff, do it all clear. Oh, you must find a place to have the cat. Hm ..

Here's a fun fuckingautocorrect-thingy:


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